10 Facts You Didn't Know About Your Vagina

9. It Has Double The Nerve Endings That A Penis Has

Your clitoris contains double the amount of nerve endings than a penis. Go vagina! So whilst you have 8,000 nerve endings that are sensitive to the touch or the tongue, the penis only has 4,000 in comparison which is why your orgasms can sometimes be a lot more intense than your guy friend's. However, this can also mean that you become a lot more sensitive down there so whilst he might make it his personal mission to go down on you and make you orgasm as many times as it is possible in an hour, you might not actually enjoy it. Remember that you're super sensitive and that pleasure can turn into pain or numbness.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com