10 Fascinating Facts About Twitter

1. A Fake Tweet Nearly Crashed The Stock Market

The worst thing that most people could expect happening to them on account of their behaviour on Twitter is getting fired for tweeting something inappropriate. But occasionally people goes one step further, as was the case with the hackers who nearly brought down the stock market. In 2013 hackers broke into the Associated Press account and tweeted that two explosions had hit the White House, injuring President Obama in the process. Wall Street reacted immediately and the stock market plummeted into freefall - the Dow plunged by more than 140 points while the estimated losses were in the billions. Hacking of Twitter accounts are not uncommon - celebrities are often targets of hackers and earlier this year the New York Post and United Press International both posted fake tweets on military and economic news - but none have proven to be so costly to the global economy. What other facts about Twitter would you like to share? Why not post them in the comments below?
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