10 Fascinating Facts About Alcohol You Didn't Know

1. We Have Far More Words For "Drunk" Than The Inuits Have For "Snow"

Inuits are world-renowned for having a large and diverse vocabulary when it comes to describing snow - after all, they're surrounded by it and it's a part of the fabric of their lives. Which says something about English-speaking drinkers in the Western world, who have managed to amass a list as long as a yard of ale to describe the act of being drunk. Predictably, many of these are unsuitable for printing on these pages without unleashing the wrath of the asterix, but some of the better known words include floored, hammered, mashed, merry, smashed, sozzled and of course, intoxicated. Some lesser known words include blootered, lush, honking, scammered and tangle-footed. Whether you drink to get wasted or booze makes you worse for wear, there's a word which encapsulates that soused state. In an age where language has reached a point of fluidity that it seems like it changes and updates on an almost daily basis, we can assume that plenty more words for being drunk are likely to emerge in the future. Who knows? Perhaps they pop into existence every time someone cracks open a beer? Did you enjoy this article? Any interesting facts about alcohol you felt were missing? Why not share them with us in the comments below?
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