10 Greatest #SochiFails Of The 2014 Winter Olympics

2. Loo Lounge

Good thing the water is poisonous in Sochi because unless you are really close to your roommates relieving yourself could be a bit odd. We have seen many pictures of the bathrooms around Sochi, and rather hilariously, it appears that the builders forgot to install walls between the toilets? Or maybe the budget for the bathrooms got cut half way through production? Or maybe it's a secret Russian custom we don't know about where everyone has to share their ablutions? You decide the reasons for yourself. Many of the athletes decided to make the best of it and take funny photos using the friendly facilities together.
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I am a young professional always looking for a laugh. I enjoy music, cars, guitars, and movies. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Suess.