10 Heartbreaking Moments When You Realise You're Too Old For Things

4. All I Want For Christmas Is... A Pair Of Socks?

At this point in your life, you've probably had your fair share of Christmas celebrations. You've made your way through the first few, oblivious to what was going on, and experienced the joy of opening an entire roster of wrestling figures and Action Men (or Barbies and Polly Pockets if you're of the female variety), and would spend every Christmas lost in a world of toys; hidden by a pile of presents so high they could have a base camp.

But now you're all grown up and you don't race downstairs at six o'clock to tear apart the wrapping paper. You have a lie in, and get up when you're good and ready, because you're a moody teenager, and that's what you're all about. A little bit of you wonders what lies under the tree, tied up with pretty red bow.

Is it the new Grand Theft Auto? That movie you've been after for a while? You rip open the present and find...socks and deodorant from a long-lost auntie. They're not even Power Rangers socks - you're too old for toys now.

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I love all things imaginative, from the page to the screen, and nurture a soft spot for Donald Sutherland and Daniel Bryan.