10 Hidden Details In Disneyland You Probably Didn’t Know

3. Fake Smells

Doritos Disneyland

Ever since Walt Disney opened Disneyland he wanted a totally inclusive and authentic feel to the park, and came up with an ingenious idea to really make the distinctive areas ‘pop’.

Have you ever though that Main Street, USA smells of freshly baked vanilla cookies, Frontierland smells of freshly cut wood or the Pirates ride has the feint stench of salty seawater? Disney has a host of ‘smelitizers’ that in essence pump different smells into different parts of the park. The aromas are suppose to transport you even further into that section of the park to create a fully immersive experience.

Walt took the sense-heightening even further when he wanted the horses that trot up and down Main Street to be louder and sound more cinematic. The Imagineers designed a polyurethane coating which is applied to the horseshoes to amplify the sound.

Walt’s vision was to have such a sensory overload that you felt like you were standing in the middle of a cartoon strip - it’s safe to say he succeeded.


Gamer girl and all around sports enthusiast.