10 Horrifying Things Nobody Tells You About Being The Boss

7. Your Employees' Problems Are YOUR Problems

If two coworkers aren't getting along, it is your responsibility to mediate whatever conflict is interfering with their work. Sometimes these conflicts will be soul-suckingly childish. Human Resources exists for this very purpose, but occasionally you will be dragged into the crossfire€”because, again, it is your reputation on the line. At times you will feel like an elementary school guidance counselor, which likely isn't what you signed up for when you took such a fancypants corporate position. This isn't to say that all bosses are evil, uncaring creatures of the night. Chances are that sometimes your employees will be faced with genuine hardships, and it is the boss's job to lend an ear at those times, and to make the right decisions for themselves and for their employees. As rewarding as it is to help an employee or friend in need, it is nevertheless an emotionally and ethically taxing situation in the context of a workplace.
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