10 Horrifying Things Nobody Tells You About Being The Boss

5. You Alienate Everyone

Although many an ambitious boss will attempt to "hang out" with his or her staff, you will quickly find that every time you walk out your office door, conversations are ended. Music is muted. Postures are straightened. Pants are zipped. Chairs are slowly and deliberately spun back to face computer screens. Becoming boss is the swiftest and most depressing way to go from office party patrol to office narc. While pure instinct and societal norms dictate that you can't, in good conscience, turn down a promotion€”the validation you've been working your way towards for all this time€”it sure doesn't feel like a reward in these instances. Suddenly your mere presence gives everyone a little case of the creeps. You're the same happy-go-lucky guy (or jerk) that you always were€”but now you can, in theory, fire people. Your employees know that you are tracking their efforts, productivity, and morale as a part of your job on a daily basis. Therefore, every conversation you have with one of them is charged with that slight tinge of discomfort. In fact, you're probably alienating someone right now, without even realizing it. They're rightfully freaked out, because...
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The Office
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Catherine likes writing and crispy bacon. She humbly requests your craft beer recommendations.