10 Horror Podcasts Everyone Needs To Listen To

6. The White Vault

The Left Right Game Podcast

The White Vault presents itself as a “found footage” investigation into the missing repair team sent to Svalbard, Norway, who get trapped in a snowstorm with nothing to do but investigate their surroundings, leading to horrific discoveries.

The podcast starts with slow pacing, but by the time it picks up, you'll begin to see echoes of The Thing and The Descent creep their way into the narrative, making the wait worth it.

The voice cast boasts an international ensemble, mirroring the international effort of the fictional Svalbard repair team. There is no main character here, so the listener is always aware that anything could happen to anyone, adding to the tension when mysterious incidents occur.

In the beginning it's a little hard to differentiate between the characters, but you will soon get to know the accents and personalities, and become attached to all the characters, making you really care about the fate of your favourites.

With excellent wind and cave sound effects sprinkled throughout the seasons, this frosty dip into horror will have you shivering all the way through, in more ways than one.

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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.