10 Incredibly Creepy Unexplained Disappearances

5. Louis Le Prince

Whilst he is criminally not a household name, Louis Le Prince invented and shot the first moving picture and is heralded as the Father Of Cinematography. The reason we don't really known about him is because he managed to disappear from a moving train en route to patent his new camera in 1890. Le Prince was witnessed boarding the train bound for Paris at Dijon station by his own brother, but when the train arrived, Le Prince and his luggage were nowhere to be seen. Speculation remains that the inventor could have been assassinated during the Patent Wars, given that he was about to patent his camera at a time just before Thomas Edison would have done the same. And it's worth noting that Edison - a notorious plagiariser - later sought to prove that his invention came before Le Prince's, and that he should be awarded all royalties from it. The fact remains, however, that no disturbance was recorded on the train, and that Le Prince was seen onboard, but managed to disappear without being noticed by any other passenger.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.