10 Inventions That Will Make Harry Potter A Reality

7. Shield Charms = Electromagnetic Force Field

Harry Potter Invisible Cloak
Warner Bros.

The Protego shield charm in Harry Potter will create an invisible protective barrier or force field, that will deflect spells and attacks.

In an exciting turn of events, it looks like Muggles could be on the cusp of inventing our very own shield charm using "electromagnetic arc" technology.

We're again (of course) int he world of military technology. The shield will be will be generated by lasers, electricity and microwaves, all held in place by a plasma shield and an electromagnetic field. 

This is not just someone's attempt to cram as many sci-fi sounding words into one press release, the technology will be used to protect aircraft from nearby explosions and shockwaves. 

Unfortunately, the shield wouldn't be able to protect and aircraft (or wizard) from a direct killer blow (much like how protego won't protect you from avada kedavra), but it will deflect more minor threats.

Much like protego, this shield can't be permanently deployed as it will also deflect light, rendering those protected by it essentially blind. It must, therefore, be deployed as and when it is needed in short bursts. 

You know, like a spell.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.