10 Lessons Microsoft Need To Learn From Sony

7. Internet Browser

Internet ExplorerIf Microsoft truly wants to compete with Sony, then they will have to incorporate one of the things they're well-known for - their internet browser. Although Google has taken first place in the world's most used internet browser, Internet Explorer is still in a close second. Microsoft needs to understand their gamers on a personal level; gamers are people too and they need occasional breaks from gaming. The ability to browse the web, check their facebook and watch YouTube videos is not only a must in this day and age; but it is a nice add-on to a gaming console. People will use the console a lot more often and, hey, who doesn't like watching videos on their home TV?

Aria Darabi entered the realm of gaming at the age of 6. He has always had a fascination with virtual worlds and the therapy they can provide to distraught individuals. Only recently has Aria become more critical about gaming. He now seeks to share his amassed knowledge of gaming with the world by delivering provacative and entertaining gaming articles. In his spare time, Aria produces music under the alias of 'Stock Loc'. He also enjoys critically assessing movies in order to find loopholes and plot inconsistencies.