10 Mobile Phone Features People Never Really Needed

4. Camera Megapixels

It is one of the most frequently cited (and also debunked) myths that make the rounds on the internet that more megapixels make better photos. While there are many flagship smartphones that take beautiful and sharp outdoor photos with just as little as 8 megapixels, still few of them can take really amazing shots indoors, and megapixel count has little to do with is. This is no coincidence that at launch events producers like Apple or Google show a bunch of sample photos taken outside. Ironically, we spend most of our lives indoors, where we usually take our photos. And the indoor performance of most mobile phone cameras still leaves a lot to be desired. It high time producers stopped using megapixels to entice customers. We've seen various producers like Microsoft/Nokia offering camera phones with the impressive 41 or 50 megapixels. Even LG is offering its own flagship contender, G4 Pro with a still impressive 27MP. This is overkill. The basic rule of thumb is megapixels do not take great photos. Better lenses do, but few mobile manufacturers take notice. Stop the madness. Users are really after better photos, not more megapixels.
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