10 Most Dangerous Creatures On Earth
1. Golden Dart Frog

Spread through the tropical Central and South American forests, the golden dart frog is perhaps the most beautiful creature on the list, but this should not confuse the fact that it is also the most deadly. The intense golden colouring is deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators.
The bright colours within the dart frog’s species are a direct correlation to its toxicity - effectively an aposematic way of telling predators to avoid attacking the toxic creature.
The dart frog gets its nickname from the native Indian’s use of the freaky frog’s secreting poison. The tribesmen have weaponised the frog’s poison by transferring the highly volatile toxin onto their hunting darts.
The tiny, colourful, golden dart frog is the most poisonous creature on Earth. The toxin it carries is so potent, two micrograms is enough to kill a human, which equates to a drop the size of a pin head. A tiny two inch specimen contains enough venom in its body to kill up to ten fully-grown humans at any one time.
The natural world can be a truly dangerous, yet fascinating place as shown by this little toxic terror. The dart frog takes the very appropriate ‘gold’ medal for the most dangerous creature in the world.