10 Most Emotional Joe Rogan Experience Moments

3. Remembering Anthony Bourdain With Morgan Fallon

Few things in life are more painful than losing a friend before their time, so when Anthony Bourdain killed himself in 2018, Rogan was among many affected by his passing.

Bourdain had even appeared on the podcast himself during the early years of the show, featuring on episode #138 way back in 2011, and while Rogan explained that they rarely saw each other due to their busy schedules the pair were close friends.

The former chef and presenter of Parts Unknown had even started learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on Rogan's recommendation, and had earned the rank of blue belt before his untimely passing aged 61.

So when Morgan Fallon, a producer and director of Parts Unknown, appeared on the JRE just months after their friends passing, there was always going to be an air of remembrance about the episode.

The two shared stories about their relationship with the late Bourdain with Rogan getting emotional over the prospect of no longer being able to see his friend.

This episode almost serves as a form of therapy as the two men pay a fitting tribute to the deceased while also coming to terms with their bereavement.


Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.