10 Most Haunted Hotels In The World

6. The Ragged Cot Inn - Minchinhampton, England

haunted hotel
David Gruar [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

If you were thinking of going to Minchinhampton for a sleepy stay in the English countryside, think again. Aside from being a bad name for a hotel, The Ragged Cot Inn is often considered one of the most haunted places in all of England. But even if that weren't the case, this hotel is still called The Ragged Cot, which should set up your expectations right away.

The story of the Ragged Cot starts in 1760, when the Cot's landlord thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and rob a stagecoach. When his wife - their child in her arms - went to try and stop him, he pushed her aside and she fell down the staircase. When the landlord returned he found his wife and child dead at the bottom of the stairs, so he got to work hiding the bodies. Before he was arrested he claimed to see his wife and child walking up the stairs, a fact that caused him to lose all control and scream until he was apprehended.

While the landlord was hanged for his crimes, the ghosts of The Ragged Cot are apparently not lucky enough for death. With noises and unexplained presences reported in rooms, it's safe to say that The Ragged Cot's gruesome past is still haunting it to this day. And that's not to mention the two ghostly apparitions - a mother and a child - that guests continue to see on the staircase during their stay.

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.