10 Most Haunted Hotels In The World

5. Karosta Prison Hostel - Latvia

haunted hotel
Keith Ruffles [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

For about a tenner you can stay in an authentic Soviet WWII prison overnight. All you have to do is go to Latvia's Karosta Prison - which is now a "hotel" - sign a bunch of waivers, sleep in horrendous conditions, and potentially be haunted by the ghosts of death row inmates of the prison's past. Sounds fun, right?

Aside from the period-accurate guards that make your stay authentic with verbal abuse, extensive physical exercise, and warning gunfire, the Karosta Prison Hostel is a world-famous landmark thanks to the military prisoners that haven't left since the 1940s. Originally built in 1900 as an infirmary, the Karosta Prison eventually housed Nazi and Soviet prisoners - at least until they were shot dead, as was often the case. A message above one door written in Latvian says "exit from hell," which seems like good advice to take for anyone considering staying the night here.

Guests - who sleep in the actual prisoners' cells - have reported incidents that range from the sounds of chains dragging down the empty halls to cell doors opening and slamming shut on their own. With lightbulbs that screw out of their sockets thanks to unseen forces and audible cries from thin air that scream "get out of here", guests who want to see a ghost could do a lot worse than staying at the Karosta Prison. And guests who want a good night's sleep should definitely stay elsewhere.

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.