10 Most Haunted Hotels In The World

3. Stanley Hotel - Colorado, USA

haunted hotel
By Rominator (Self-photographed) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Stephen King is the master of telling stories about haunted hotels, a setting that he's come back to time and time again. But none are as famous as King's landmark novel The Shining, which was inspired in real life by the Stanley Hotel in Colorado.

The hauntings in the Stanley are vast and varied, but what they all boil down to are a lot of restless spirits in a very old and very secluded hotel. Some particularly haunted spots within the hotel are the concert hall, where a ghost named Paul enforces an 11 p.m. curfew to all that cross him, as well as room 428, famed for a cowboy-ghost and furniture that moves around on its own. In fact, the entire fourth floor is said to be incredibly haunted, as it was at one point a large attic where female employees and their children stayed. These days guests often hear the sounds of children giggling, playing, running, and laughing, plus sounds of footsteps on the floor above - a floor which doesn't exist due to the slope of the roof.

With the ghost of the original hotel owner Flora Stanley often found playing the piano, a ghost named Lucy that flashes the lights during ghost tours, and the head housekeeper that was stuck in the hotel during a thunderstorm in 1911 and never left, there's no shortage of paranormal guests to see if you go to the Stanley.

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.