10 Most Haunted Places In Scotland

1. Overtoun Bridge, Dumbarton

Overtoun bridge is also known as the dog suicide bridge. It was built in 1859 and since it has been in use, over 600 dogs have committed suicide by jumping off the bridge. The dogs have been known to jump from the same side and even the same spot on the bridge and those that do survive the 50 foot drop later jump again once they are fully recovered. Although it is mainly dogs that jump, there have been reports of people throwing babies because the Devil compelled them to do it, and they've later jumped from it themselves. So is the bridge haunted, is it a plane where the living can meet the dead or is there a logical explanation? Whatever you believe, keep your dog on a leash. If you've ever visited any of these places and experienced something supernatural, comment in the thread below to regale us with your tale.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com