10 Most Haunted Places In Scotland

10. Ben Macdui, Cairngorm

if The Hound Of The Baskervilles gave you a fright as a child, then you'll probably want to avoid visiting Ben Macdui. Witness accounts have given the same sort of descriptions that Arthur Conan Doyle gave in his stories and although in this case, it isn't a Devil Hound, the moors of the Cairngorms are haunted by something. Some people claim that it takes the shape of a man but others say that it is a 20 foot high monster. Ben Macdui is the second highest peak in Scotland and it is situated in Cairngorms National Park which attracts hikers and outdoor lovers from across the world. Little do they know that the place is haunted by The Grey Man or the Fear Liath Mhor in Gaelic. Hikers have heard footsteps walking behind them when they are alone and have seen a dark shape at the top of the mountain. Upon seeing this figure, a lot of people have fled the mountain and vowed to never go back. Is Scotland the home of the yeti?
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com