10 Most Underrated Board Games You Should Play

3. Boss Monster

Deception board game
Brotherwise Games via The Tinker's Packs

The object of Boss Monster is to construct a dungeon to entice adventurers with the hopes of killing them, the first person to get ten souls wins.

Each player choses a boss with its own specific level-up ability and baits the adventurers into their lair with treasure that matches their class. Your ability to defeat the adventurers is determined by the combat strength of your dungeon's rooms, your boss's latent ability, and/or through use of spells and items.

This element of victory only being achieved by actively being attacked makes Boss Monster unique, as you want the highest amount of souls but have to make sure your dungeon is deadly enough to keep the hero from outright damaging your boss.

You can also focus your attention on sabotaging your opposing bosses' dungeons, softening them up to allow a hero to quickly reach the boss and eventually kill them.

You start to actively hope for and against the appearance of certain heroes: the Fool is easily dispatched and the Epic Brothers mean a certain defeat, so balancing how to bait a hero is incredibly important.

The art of each card and the countless references to modern and classic video games make this a brilliant entry point for any video game fan trying a tabletop game for the first time.

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