10 Most Underrated Board Games You Should Play

2. Deception: Murder In Hong Kong

Deception board game
Grey Fox Games via Rules Of PLay

In this noirish hybrid of Cluedo and Murder In The Dark, one player is chosen to be the forensic scientist and one – secretly – is the murderer. The murderer reveals their identity, murder weapon and a piece of evidence to the scientist, who then has to communicate the results to the other players. The only problem with this is that the forensic scientist isn't allowed to speak.

The scientist has to hint at the details of the murder using little plastic bullets, referred to in-game as scene tiles, to lead the investigators – who are all given tiny police badges – to the truth of the murder. The game is played with four to twelve players and can act as a great party game.

When a player thinks they know who the murderer is and the means by which they were murdered, they have to declare 'let me solve the crime!'. If they're wrong they must turn in their badge and gun and retire in shame (you have to bring your own gun).

It does however share one problem with Cluedo, in that it's usually pretty easy when looking at a corpse to tell whether it was shot, poisoned or bludgeoned to death.

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