10 Most Unnerving Short Horror Stories On The Internet

4. SCP 3000

Bongcheon Dong Ghost 2
SCP Foundation

Entries on the SCP Foundation might not be stories in the traditional sense, but they do tell a narrative in their own way. 'SCP 3000' is among the most freaky entities on the site, which is saying something considering how many there are.

This SCP is classified as a Thaumiel class entity, meaning it is the most secret of top secret and used to contain other SCPs. At first glance, it appears to only be a giant, carnivorous eel, which it is, but also so much more.

There's a lot of scientific talk to sort through about this thing, but what it does, besides devour people whole, is reduce human consciousness down to its most basic form and scatter it through the ether. Basically, just by being in its presence, even in a submarine, it breaks apart your identity and puts it in an invisible blender of others who met the same fate. It won't just make you forget who you are, it'll make you think you're someone else entirely. You'll want answers, and will go right into its hellish void of a mouth to get them.

The case file on 'SCP 3000' has several chronological journal recordings from a scientist investigating it. Reading these feels almost intimate as you see this man start to go slowly go insane. All the more reason to avoid the ocean. If you needed more reasons that is.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.