10 "Next Big Things" To Expect In The Future

6. Robot Slaves

A big fat futuristic cliché, but it's true. Last year, the now well-known HERB (Home Exploring Robotic Butler) opened an Oreo cookie without crushing it. Now that's what we like to hear. The creators of HERB have said there will be these kind of robot housekeepers in homes 20 years from now. Like Rosie from The Jetsons, we'll soon have our own computerised domestic servants to do the dishes and hoover the floor for us. No doubt this will probably lead to growing obesity problems as we no longer have to even get off the couch to make a cup of tea, but if we have robots dismantling bombs in Afghanistan, why can't they make us a pizza? Naturally, Japan will be the first ones on board the robotic slavery wagon, and ethical guidelines will start creeping in as robots become self aware. Don't say we didn't warn you.
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