10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

4. Cracking Knuckles Gives You Arthritis

If you€™re a knuckle-cracker, you€™ve been told quite a few times that you should stop or you will get arthritis in your hands. Naturally people think that the cracking sounds our knuckles make are bones, but this isn€™t the case. The noises you hear from €œcracking a knuckle€ are actually gas bubbles formed between the joints from synovial fluid that surrounds them. Not many studies have been conducted on the subject, but Dr. Donald L. Unger, an Ig Nobel Prize winner, cracked the knuckles of his left hand for over 60 years and left the knuckles on his right uncracked. The 83-year-old allergist concluded that neither hand had arthritis .
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