10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

3. Swimming After A Meal Causes Stomach Cramps

Wait 30 Mins Before Swimming Swimming after a meal won€™t cause drowning or cramps. Despite learning the truth, don€™t go telling your nieces and nephews just yet. Word is that the old wives€™ tale originated from parents looking to get a break from parental supervision after lunch because while the kids are swimming, parents are required to be alert. Another theory is that the blood in our bodies rush to our stomachs after a large meal and this can cause cramps, but our bodies are still able to function normally and don€™t need a break after a meal to get active in any way. Studies done by Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa, a gastroenterologist at the New York University School of Medicine, concluded that inexperienced swimmers might get a cramp when swimming on a full stomach, but for most swimmers the chances are next to nothing. Having a full meal before swimming has absolutely no effect on your ability to stay above water and with only 1% of Americans drowning after having a meal €“ it€™s hardly cause for concern.
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