10 Problems Only Flat Chested Girls Will Understand

9. Wearing A Padded Bra On A Date And Then Doing The Deed And Having To Admit You're A Boob Faker

Of course you've worn your sexy push-up bra on your fourth date with this man. Tonight's going to be the night! He's coming back to your place. Your boobs are going to have a wild time and they are excited! The top you've worn shows off pretty much all of your chest, which you've squidged up as high as it will go above all the padding in the extra-uber-abundantly-padded bra you bought for this very special occassion. So he'll find you attractive and sexy, obvs. But then the moment comes when you're at home and he's undoing the clip and he's taken it off and - poof, your breasts have disappeared. They've just dropped into nowhere. You smile at him sheepishly and pray he's not going to report you for boob fakery to the Breast Police. If he's a nice guy, he probably won't mind that you're a full-blown false advertisement.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).