10 Problems Only People From Gondor Will Understand

6. The View

Right, so behind this completely stone city is a massive cliff that towers over you. In front of the city is a vast, arid plain, at the end of which is basically a super-volcano that you can see ALL THE TIME.

It belongs to Sauron, and starts spewing fire every now and again when he is at another of his hair brained schemes. Brilliantly too, the last couple of weeks it has been dark all the time because Sauron has handily blocked out the sun so his hoard of marauding orcs can make their way to Gondor to murder you 24 hours a day.

Not exactly the most relaxing of vistas.


TV writer. Film obsessive. Dinosaur enthusiast. Paranormal, horror and all things strange/unlikely to be real. Skeptic. Co-creator of WTP Comedy and creator of reel gifs.com. London based Midlander. Twitter: @leegant