10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

8. Shunka Warakin

Since the 1880€™s, a wolf hyena creature has been haunting the northern United States from Montana to Illinois. Called Shunka Warakin or €œdog carrier€ by the Ioway people, it€™s known to stalk livestock and slaughter dogs. Reports claim the creature has a wolf like head but a body like a hyena. Ross Hutchins, a resident of the Madison River Valley in lower Montana wrote a book titled Trails to Nature€™s Mysteries: The Life of a Working Naturalist and described a large canine type cryptid that was killed by his grandfather and mounted in a grocery/museum. It€™s Montana, give them a break. Examined by a zoologist in the family led to no confirmed findings. Even the doctor couldn€™t identify the beast. The wolf monster took a break for a few years, but inn December 2005, it took to hunting down farmers€™ livestock and ripping them apart mercilessly. By October of the next year, the bloodthirsty savage had slaughtered over 120 animals and even received national coverage in new outlets and magazines, including USA Today. On 2 November 2006, the Montana Wildlife Service killed the animal presumed responsible for the killings. It was first thought to be a wolf, but the colouring was wrong and didn€™t share similarities with other wolves. Samples of the creature were sent to the University of California and the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Lab in Oregon for genetic study, however no results have been published and the questions linger.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.