10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

7. Pope Lick Monster

A quick walk across the train trestle at Pope Lick Creek in Jefferson County, Kentucky soon turns into horror when the goat-man hybrid residing under the bridge grabs your ankles and holds you in place until the train barrels down on you and you meet the front of it with extreme force. Everyone thinks they can outrun him but they can€™t. Whether frozen by his own strength or the sight of his demonic horns protruding from his alabaster skin, skulking over his furry goat legs and clopping hooves, everyone falls victim to the Pope Lick Monster. Lives have been lost on the Pope Lick Creek trestle and the locals know why. Some legends claim the beast is murderous circus freak that escaped an asylum, while other claims it€™s the ghost of a farmer who used to sacrifice his goats in Satanic rituals and forfeited his soul. The monster is also said to possess psychic abilities and can lead individuals to the tracks to make them commit suicide. He€™s also able to mimic the voices of lost and hurt children, and hypnotize his victims. In 1988 a tall privacy fence was constructed around the private property, but it hasn€™t helped keep amateur investigators and high school partiers out. Let€™s hope the Pope Lick Monster doesn€™t take another victim.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.