10 Rare Cryptids Haunting The United States

6. Menehune

Even beautiful Hawaii can€™t escape the supernatural and unknown. A local legend talks about the Menehune, an ancient race of Kauaians that were diminutive in stature, but extremely talented and magical. These Lilliputians, however, built public works on an elephantine scale. From roads to dams to bridges, they did it all. Some locals use impressive monuments to prove the existence of the Menehune, believing that regular people could not accomplish such tasks. Eventually, time moved on and the Menehune stayed in the forest where they may dwell to this very day. Some locals talk about being attacked by the Menehune. They€™ll suddenly appear on the edge of the jungle and run towards the victim, scaring the hell out of them. Sometimes, they have been known to play pranks on people, slamming doors and windows and lurking around yards. Other witnesses have claimed that the Menehune like to make friends with small children, thus contributing to the idea of an invisible friend. Luckily, the little creepers don€™t normally leave any lasting damage, other than having an irrational fear of small, running things. Maybe the Menehune want people to know that they are still around and pertinent to the culture of Hawaii, before growth and progress make us all forget.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.