10 Real-Life Gadgets That Will Make You In To A Proper Spy
2. Umbrella Dart Gun
A Bulgarian umbrella looks exactly just like any other umbrella, but it contains a concealed pneumatic device that will inject a small pellet of poison into and unfortunate victim.
Perhaps the most famous usage of this device was in the KGB assassination of Georgi Markov in 1978. The dissident writer was walking over Waterloo Bridge when he reportedly felt a sharp pain in the back of his leg, turning around he saw nothing but a man messing around with an umbrella. He was dead with 3 days.
It would appear that the KGB got a taste for this moustache-twiddling, movie villain style of assassination as a similar attack occurred later in the same year on the Parisian Metro against journalist Vladimir Kostov.
Kostov survived the attack. If this happens to you in the field, you can always hit them with the umbrella as a last resort.