10 Really Awkward Moments Only WhatsApp Users Will Know

8. Feeling Secretly Awesome When You Find An Emoji That Hasn't Been Used Before

Yeah baby, take that totally unique emoticon I just spent ages looking for to make it relevant to our conversation. There's no denying it; everyone loves finding a particularly obscure emoji and using it in a particularly clever way, especially when it's a hilarious smiling poop followed by a thumbs up. Now proudly hit that send button, sit back and relax: imagining the impressed face of its receiver when they see just how much of a cool guy you really are.

7. Taking The Edge Off A Message By Using A Tongue Face

Let's take the phrase: "You make me sick." Quite a statement, is it not? If someone said that to you, you'd probably be pretty damn taken aback. Now try it again, with a tongue. "You make me sick :-P" Oh, I get it I get it! They're kidding, right? It's the perfect solution to redeem yourself from any negative statement. Want to tell someone you think they're hot, without looking desperately forward? Add a tongue. Is there something your friend does that REALLY annoys you? Tell them! Just don't forget that tongue. As well as fuelling passive-aggression, the ambiguity of the emoji can become hugely frustrating when people send a response that's not a real answer. Simply replying with a 'Meh' emoji is a lazy evasion, albeit a sociable one.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell