10 Reasons You Should Totally Date A Writer

8. They Can Find Beauty In Almost Anything

Some of the greatest writing is actually about nothing interesting at all, but the writer had the skill to make it seem interesting, and that's what makes it great. This is why the writers of 127 Hours, a film about a guy being stuck doing nothing in the middle of nowhere, were nominated for an Oscar, while the writers of action films like Transformers get ignored. It's not what happens, it's how it's told. How does this divergence into film trivia affect you? Well, there are several ways in which this can be useful. From bringing up your self esteem on a bad hair day, to making the best of a disappointing night out with those friends you thought you still had things in common with, a writer will always find a way to a silver lining. Alternatively, if you and your new writer love interest find yourselves stuck in traffic, chances are they'll find some way to make light of the situation and distract you from the steadily increasing need to pee. And where are you going when this imaginary traffic appears? Anywhere you want, because...
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I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.