10 Reasons You Should Totally Date A Writer

6. You'll Get The Best Valentine's Day Cards Ever

Let's face it, the people who write the poems printed in Valentine's Day cards don't exactly produce Shakespeare, but they're all most people get when February rolls around, unless you're forward-thinking enough to be dating a writer at the time. If you're into musical odes and sweeping romantic gestures, you'll be greeted by a sonnet that will melt your chocolate heart and make you feel like no one else has ever loved you like they do. If, however, the thought of a musical ode made you feel a bit nauseous, a writer will have been paying enough attention to your derisive comments about the Hallmark holiday to write you a satirical card that will make you feel like no one else has ever understood you like they do. Either way, a writer is undeniably passionate about writing (after all, writing is hard), and this passion will spread into your relationship until you have no doubts that you're what matters the most. And how is all this possible? Well...
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I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.