10 Reasons Zombies Don't Make Sense

7. Let It All Bleed Out

Given that wobblers are always losing bits and pieces, they should also be losing blood. Blood is necessary to distribute nutrients and oxygen to human cells that keep us walking around, eating brains and doing all the other stuff that zombies do. When zombies are shot their blood goes everywhere. For reference, refer to Zombieland. Still, they don€™t appear to lose any as they wander around the countryside. Depending on the size of the wounds on a zombie, they could die from exsanguination, that€™s a big word for blood loss, in about ten seconds. There is only about 5.5 litres of blood in the human body, which isn€™t a lot to lose. In fact, it€™s the equivalent of how much water you should drink over two days. Additionally, if a zombie died initially from a zombie attack (eating, tearing, pulling off limbs), he shouldn€™t even be able to rise from the grave since there wouldn€™t be enough blood to operate his body.

Hailing from the sandiest of Southern states, Susan enjoys horror films and comic books. She writes many things, but mostly wrongs.