10 Revelations That Will Make You See Iconic Screen Superheroes Very Differently

9. A Murder Of Crows Is So Called Because That Literally Happens

The Crow is clearly about to murder your face - he has creepy makeup on and everything. Now, The Crow isn't necessarily considered a "superhero", but the guy has healing powers, telekinesis, and is basically immortal if his bird friend isn't brutally stabbed by a crime king pin who is in an incestuous relationship with his sister - and how often is that likely to happen? That's basically eight X-Men characters all rolled into one, minus maybe the incestuous sister part, and with a back story the Punisher would feel sorry for, he seems to fit the criteria of a superhero. In taking the persona of a crow, Eric Draven keeps a single mate even in death as most crows do. Crows also display great intelligence and problem solving techniques, which is probably why Eric Draven figured out how to make the crow symbol in so many creative ways. So Eric Draven's crow buddy is a ride or die bird. The thing sticks with him through all the murdering, trips to the pawn shop, and helping mothers through heroin addiction, so it's definitely going to be there until the end, right? Well not exactly, because unfortunately for Eric, when a crow is dying, a nearby group of crows will attack and bludgeon the injured crow into oblivion. The end of The Crow would have been much different if Draven laid on his dead wife's grave and instead of her appearing to him, a flock of crows appeared and brutally pecked him to death, which is precisely what should have happened by the laws of nature.

Some people have referred to me as the next Jimmy Superfly Snuka. I metal like a mother effer. And I like to write, so maybe one of these days I will be able to write something awesome. Until then, hopefully I can just make some people laugh.