10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

2. Woman Sues Google For Not Blurring Cleavage On Street View

Maria Pia Grillo, a Canadian woman, filed a lawsuit against Google after finding an unwanted photo of her online. Maria was sitting outside of her home when the Google Street View car drove by as she was leaning over. Unfortunately for Maria, the car captured a photo of the woman's cleavage. Maria filed the lawsuit in 2011, despite finding the photo two years prior. Maria was upset to see that Google had blurred her face, but not bothered to blur out her cleavage. She was seeking $50,000 for emotional damage, which included depression and bullying from her work colleagues. Google stated that they would blur out more of the picture, but said that they shouldn't have to pay her any money, as she was sitting on her porch, which is considered a public place because you can see it from the street. The judge rejected Google's defense, and ordered the tech company to pay Maria Pia Grillo $2,500 plus interest, as well as $175 in court costs.
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Loves writing anything from humor driven articles, to serious short stories. The only thing Owen doesn't like to write are biographies. Those are kind of awkward.