10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

3. Man Sues McDonald's For Giving Him Insufficient Napkins

Webster Lucas, a 59-year-old California man walked into a McDonald's restaurant in Pacoima, California on January 29, 2014, and ordered a Quarter Pounder Deluxe. Webster's McDnoald's experience soon went south after he became disgruntled because he was only handed one napkin to use for his entire meal. How preposterous. Webster approached the counter and asked if he could have a few more napkins. According to Webster, the manager, Angel Arciga, rudely responded by saying that he had already received his napkins. The two men began to argue in the restaurant for a brief period of time and Angel Arciga yelled at Webster from the other side of the counter. Webster, frustrated by the whole ordeal, told the manager "I should have went to eat at the Jack-in-the-Box because i didn't come here to argue over napkins. I came here to eat." It was at that moment, that Webster, a black man, said that the manager, a Mexican-American, responded in a racist manner. Webster says that the manager began mumbling something about "you people" which angered Webster, who then began asking the manager if he was referring to black people. After leaving the restaurant, Webster emailed the general manager of the restaurant to complain. He stated that he couldn't work because of the "undue mental anguish" he was suffering as a result of only being given one napkin to eat with his meal. To compensate for the ordeal, Webster was offered free burgers by the general manager. Webster refused the manager's petty attempt to make amends, and filed a super-sized lawsuit for $1.5 million.
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Loves writing anything from humor driven articles, to serious short stories. The only thing Owen doesn't like to write are biographies. Those are kind of awkward.