10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

5. Dutch Student Sues University After Being Kicked Out Of Class Because Of His Smelly Feet

Have you ever been forced to sit next to someone so repulsive in class, or at the movie theater, that you wish someone would kick them out? That's exactly how students, and professors, felt at Rotterdam's Erasmus University after they had to sit in the same room as Teunis Tenbrook, a student with horrible foot odor. Eventually, the wishes of students were granted when a professor told Teunis that he wasn't welcome back in the classroom. In order to stay on top of his classes, Teunis went to library, and would often be seen with his shoes off, releasing his foot odor to everyone in the room with him, as he studied. Teunis was then banned from the library as well based on the grounds that he had poor hygiene. Teunis took the school to court after he failed out of his classes because he was excluded from sitting in on the lectures, and wasn't allowed to study at the library. In 2009, a court ruled that having smelly feet is no reason to be kicked out of a university lecture. The judge said: "Our considered opinion is that the professors and other students will just have to hold their noses and bear it." The only thing worse than being stuck with someone who smells, is being the person who smells and knowing that everyone hates you for smelling.
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Loves writing anything from humor driven articles, to serious short stories. The only thing Owen doesn't like to write are biographies. Those are kind of awkward.