10 Of The Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever Filed

4. Woman Sues TV Station After Weatherman Gets Prediction Wrong

We've all heard of the weatherman getting his prediction completely wrong, but should he be held legally responsible for his predictions? Apparently so. An Israeli woman filed a lawsuit against a TV station, Channel 2, and its weatherman Danny Rup, in small claims court, after the weatherman predicted the weather incorrectly. Danny Rup, on television, said that it was going to be a sunny day, when in fact, it turned out to be very stormy. The woman, perhaps too trusting of men on TV, dressed for the weather that the weatherman predicted, thus, was ill-prepared for the storm that rolled in. As a result, the woman caught the flu, missed four days of work, and spent a budget busting $38 on medication to combat her illness. The woman asked for $1,000 in court to cover the cost of her medication, lost wages, and compensate for the fact that she felt stressed during this rough time in her life. The judge awarded $1,000 in the woman's favor.
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Loves writing anything from humor driven articles, to serious short stories. The only thing Owen doesn't like to write are biographies. Those are kind of awkward.