10 School Lessons That Would Be Far More Useful Than Algebra

2. How To Get A Job

Talking of income, how about getting a job? It's not as easy as we thought was it? In this day and age of recurring recessions and youth unemployment, a class on finding a job would've been extremely useful. And I mean, a proper full on class, covering everything from writing a CV to interviewing techniques to other options like self-employment - rather than just a session or two at college, if your course even covered that at all. Of course its not just knowing that bright orange CV's are more likely to put an employer off than dazzle him into hiring you, there's also that often forgotten problem of - rejection. Perhaps it was just us, but when we were teenagers we seemed to have the impression that all we needed was a degree and good attitude and we'd find a job after university pretty quickly. Unfortunately the reality is that, depending on the work you're intending to go into, you may have to go to lot of interviews and write a lot of emails that end up being unanswered. This perhaps wouldn't be so bad if we'd been taught to expect this, and how to cope with it - so definitely a lesson worth an hour of our time.

A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.