10 School Lessons That Would Be Far More Useful Than Algebra

1. How To Just Live...

After all the bills, worries and car repairs, you may be starting to think that adult life is just a mundane roller-coaster of working and worries - and yes it can be, and yes, it would've have been nice if that had been mentioned earlier, before we desperately tried to grow-up. Which is why a lesson in just, well living, might have a good. Just an hour or so dedicated to a little bit of wisdom and advice on all the little things and the big things you stumble across in life. Like how to decide what you want out of life. To remember to appreciate it and not become too bogged in the treadmill of work. How to deal with mistakes and failure and competition - which are all very real out in the big bad world. In short, a lesson where people who had lived life could've shared their information and wisdom, even though we may not have listened back then - after all that's what our parents have been trying to do for years. But in that lesson, we may have learnt at least one thing worth knowing - that neither school, or anything else, can ever fully prepare you for life. In the end life is just about doing the very best we can with what we have, and with all the help, advise and skills we can get. And who knows? One day we might even need to know a little algebra.

A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.