10 Sci-Fi Tech That's So Close We Can Barely Contain Ourselves
1. Hoverboards
We were all promised them, and we might be about to get them. The hoverboard, more than anything else, seems to be this generations litmus test for technological advancement. Tony Hawk taunted everyone with a video of him seeming to ride a fully functioning hoverboard, which sadly turned out to be fake.
However, there is still hope in the form of the Hendo Hoverboard. We're hoping this one is real, another disappointment like the Tony Hawk incident might just be too much to handle.
This board is still in development and appears to use repelling magnetic forces to provide lift and levitate the board. This obviously means that the it would have to be ridden on a specially magnetised surface, but it certainly looks like were closer than ever to getting our Back to the Future moment.