10 Secrets Only Two People In The World Know

5. The Hapsburg Napkin Fold

coke top secret

The Austrian government has always prided itself on its ability to fold napkins, and this tradition dates back to the days of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Their Hapsburg Napkin Fold is legendary among the world's ruling classes, and with good reason. It's the art of folding a napkin in a way that seemingly breaks the laws of physics.

The technique is known to just two Austrian government employees (who presumably have more daily duties than simply folding cloth for dinner guests) and this knowledge will be passed on to another pair when its custodians retire.

Although just two people know how to officially pull off a Hapsburg Napkin Fold, others have managed to replicate the trick and shared the results on YouTube and social media. That's certainly an impressive feat, but there's no guarantee their technique is exactly the same as the one with roots in the Austro-Hungarian empire.

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