10 Spooky Phantom Vehicle Tales From Around The World

6. Durban Ghost Ship

For decades sailors have related the story of the Durban harbor phantom ship. It is said that when it was first spotted, the small steamship was sailing towards the harbor with a single cyan-colored light blinking at the head. It never arrived at the harbor.

Some weeks later, the same ship was seen again heading towards the harbor, light blinking. Signals to the ship remained unanswered and there was no discernible flag flown onboard. Then one night two fishermen sailed their boat right up to the eerie ship. One of them decided to get onboard to see if there were any signs of life.

After a short while the fisherman called down to his friend that all he could find was a lonely cat, a still-warm pipe, maps and two green bottles. He also threw one of the bottles down to the boat and said he would climb back down so they could go home.

That was the last time the fisherman was seen. His friend waited and waited and rowed around the ship to see where the fisherman was but to no avail. Panicked he rowed back to shore to get help. But when he returned with rescue efforts, the ship and the fisherman had disappeared never to to be seen or heard from again.

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