10 Stephen King Stories Begging For Sequels

5. Needful Things

Firestarter 2

The tale of Leland Gaunt's curiosity shop is considered "the Last Castle Rock story" - in fact, that was printed right on the cover of the book. Opening in Castle Rock, Maine, the setting of many of King's novels (that poor, tortured town!), Needful Things seems to have that item you just have to have - at an incredibly low price.

Of course, Gaunt wants more than your money, and digs his hooks into your doubts and paranoia if not your very soul; soon, he has the whole town in his pocket, and is selling weapons to them, playing them off one another. It all falls apart eventually, however, the Mephistopheles-esque tale sees Gaunt survive at the end - only to move on elsewhere, opening a new shop called Answered Prayers.

It's that new shop, or maybe even whatever shops that came before, that would make a great foundation for a follow-up. A creature like Gaunt, as magical and mystical as he is, seems all too rooted in the real world, especially today - and it would be nice to see him come to an eventual end.

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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.