10 Stephen King Stories Begging For Sequels

3. The Man In The Black Suit

Firestarter 2
Philtrum Press

The Man In The Black Suit is an award-winning short story by King, another entry in Everything's Eventual, and one of the creepiest stories King has ever produced.

The story of a young boy who meets a terrifying man in a black suit while out fishing, who spins a horrible yarn about his mother being dead, The Man in the Black Suit will leave a lasting impression on just about any reader. It's King at his very best, and the knowledge that, decades later, the narrator is still terrified of the man, believing that he's simply biding his time waiting for a return visit, makes the fear palpable. 

While just a short story, and not really fleshed out enough that a sequel would be an obvious choice, it would be interesting to see how the titular creature in the story interacts with others. Readers of the tale get the distinct impression that he has made many, many similar appearances, scaring the beejezus out of random strangers. Did any stand up to him? Were any immune to his tricks? Did he outright harm any?

Those are all questions worth of answer.

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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.