10 Stupid Internet Hoaxes That People Actually Believed

2. Ohio€™s Head-Ripping Machine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfsMMVgIToA Dealing with criminals humanely has long been a point of contention in countries that still uphold the death penalty. Never a site to shy away from controversy, The Onion published a satirical article claiming that Ohio had introduced a €˜head-ripping€™ machine that would €œpainlessly€ wrench the head off convicted inmates. There were many confused (and angry) tweets and comments made about the news video, after it quickly went viral. Presumably, these internet users had failed to watch the video in its entirety, after the point where it discusses another death machine that sucks out the inmates€™ organs with a big tube. Proving that there are no limits to human gullibility, countless videos on YouTube featured angry video bloggers discussing how inhumane the machine was, followed by even more videos that carefully analysed whether or not the video was fake. Seriously.
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