10 Technology 'Advances' That Actually Made Life More Annoying

9. On Screen Non-QWERTY Keyboards

Since the 1870's and the times of a typewriter (way before the internet, kids) the QWERTY layout has become a standard layout on keyboards throughout the world. So why, with the advances in Smart TV's and games consoles do they insist on having the keyboard laid out on screen in alphabetical order? In a world where we have evolved with the QWERTY layout on computers, phones and anything else with letters on it, why persist in confusing us with the keyboard laid out incorrectly? It ends up wasting more time as you misread where letters should be, ending up with the completely wrong TV show to watch, and that's only after you've failed to enter your password again and again. Should they go back to a simpler time when we could plug a small inexpensive keyboard directly into consoles, or perhaps have a full QWERTY keyboard slide out from underneath the remote? Any of these would be better than seeing letters put into alphabetical order.
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